Monday, August 27, 2007

get an account at

Hey all--

If you want to post (and you do, I know), apparently you need to create an account at It won't cost anything . . . If you are desperate, and things are not working, you can try my My Space account where I also have a blog.
Bear with me. I'm new to this. The google account is free though and they'll walk you through a set up. Ok? If you really really can't get this up by tomorrow midnight, no worries. Just bring your paragraphs to class. We'll get there. And I'd rather have this be a public blog--a blog out in the world--than a private Rollins one. Who knows? Maybe Springer himself will check in . . .

See you Wednesday


Matthew Gilbert said...

Art is something that is very hard to define. Art for one person maybe trash for someone else. Both trash and art could be defined in very similar manners. Art in my definition is the manipulation of an object to make that object to express an idea of a person and is aesthetically pleasing to the beholder. It is the perception that makes it art or trash.
My definition of trash would be the manipulation of an object to make that object to express an idea of a person that is not aesthetically pleasing to the eyes of the beholder.
For example the television show South Park has been in many cases considered trash. I find it entertaining and it in my eyes it is art. In my mothers eyes it is considered trash.

CBehmlander said...

TV in today’s society really challenges the personal, moral standards of living, along with promoting a provocative attitude towards people of all ages. Trashy TV shows have become more popular in the United States now, more than ever because young teens have such an urge to grow and mature faster- therefore; the popularity of these shows has increased. There are many different opinions on what exactly is considered trashy. I believe that trashy television shows, such as, Flavor of Love and Rock of Love on VH1, promote a sleazy and an immoral lifestyle that contributes to the derogation of society. These TV shows are usually reality based dating shows, talk shows, or soap operas.
Art TV is definatly hard to describe because what one person could consider art, others could hate. I believe that an ''art'' show is just something that pleases the viewer. Artsy TV shows can be provocative, but provocative in a way where they challenge you to possibly reconsider your previous opinions on the standards of living. Shows like ER and Dr. 90210 are informative shows that offer a dramatized depiction of hospital life, which provides the viewer with both entertainment and insight into their professions.

blogqueen said...

hmmmm. Isn't "entertainment" something that pleases the viewer? Does this make it art? I would argue that the word "art" implies a higher standard.

And I think that society defines what is "great literature" and "great art" That by definition they are, in a sense, crowned by the culture.

So we separate the movies we "like," maybe Freaky Friday, from what we consider great film, maybe something by Tarantino or the Cohen brothers.

Do you agree? And who gets to say what is great film? Are some people more authorized than others? Who? Why?

Mike Landry said...

Art is a concept that has been around for as long as anyone can remember, and it will continue untill the end of time. In my opinion art is different for everyone, but one similarity that everyone shares in the concept of art is that it is pleasing to the eye, ear, or senses beholder. Therefore there can be no real definition of art, because every persons mind recieves images in their own way. If defintion was needed i would say art is the manipulation of an object to plese the senses. For example, a sneaker, a plain white sneaker would not be considered art to most, but when a man puts symbols and grafitti all over this shoe, many more people will veiw this as art.
Trash is seen as the exact opposite of art. When an object is seen as less than acceptable this becomes trash. What is art to one man can easily be seen as trash to another. This boundries are crossed in genders, sexes, and personality types. What a young athletic man might see as art, could easily be considered trash by an older more reserved woman.
TV is a an excellent example and place to find both trash and art. TV has channels shows and movies for every kind of person, so most people wil at some time find a program the enjoy, but at the same time see many they veiw as "trash". Since the younger generation watches more TV, the shows are more geared twords them, causes the effect of many older people seeing TV as trashy.

annieganotis said...

I would define any television show that makes its viewers think in some way by maybe challenging peoples views, beliefs or making them curious about something new they were exposed to in the program, as art. Although the subject matter of a television show is usually the most significant factor in deciding whether it is art or trash there are many other components that contribute in creating a piece of art or a piece of trash. These factors include the music, graphics, lighting, editing etc. These are all decisions the director must make when creating a television show and they all contribute to the final product. Like an artist painting a painting, directors and editors can use color, line and depth to enhance a television show except there is even more that can be done with a television show. All television shows are constructed; soap operas, talk shows even news programs and reality shows. How well television shows are constructed as well as the contents help determine whether the show is art or trash.
A show some may consider trash but I would consider art due to its originality and composition would be MTV’s “Laguna Beach.” If you watch this show you will notice many different camera angles and shots to capture the beauty of the location. It was the first reality show to really focus on the shots and camera angles unlike most reality shows before this where you could tell that it was just a camera man following people around with a camera. Music and editing is used a lot in this show to manipulate how the viewer interprets what is going on in the show.
A television show that is trash makes you think very little and doesn’t make you question ideas or cause any inspiration. Trash television shows also are not constructed in new and interesting ways. In trash television there is nothing that makes you wonder, “How did they do that?” If you feel like you got nothing out of watching a program other then simply being entertained then it is usually trash.

meg143 said...

I believe the greatest part of any artwork is the difference in opinion that comes from its viewers. There shouldn’t be a black and white definition for what art is and what is trash because our opinions and individuality is what makes us all unique. I think when viewing any type of art it is important to be open-minded and not judge it on anything you may have heard from someone else. “One mans rags is another man’s riches,”-(anonymous) is a quote that I believe relates well to this topic because we all appreciate art for a number of different reasons. If I had to really put a definition on what art is I would say it is something that you can either relate to or truly respect for whatever reason. I also think art can simply be something that makes the viewer happy or pleases them, as Courtney said earlier. Personally I enjoy many tv shows that others consider trash because I either feel that I can relate to them or because I like the way the characters interact with each other. I think if I had to choose some of my favorite tv shows I would say the OC and friends are definitely in my top choices.
I would define trash tv as something that promotes any unrealistic and inappropriate lifestyle. I don’t have respect for shows like “flavor of love” or “next” because I feel like dating and relationships shouldn’t be taken so lightly and I feel that the people on shows like that have no respect for themselves and just want a chance to be on tv. However, when it comes down to it that is only my opinion and I respect anyone that disagrees with me because we all have different opinions on the art of tv.

mollyandrews said...

Art is considered something that inspires you, in this case having to do with television it is that connection you have with the show that makes viewing it such a pleasure. The emotional connection is something that makes it art for me, personally. The fact that I can relate to a show, or its impact on me makes me learn a lesson from its viewing makes me define it as art. It can teach life lessons that mindless television can’t, and it makes you think outside your everyday thoughts. For example, Boy Meets World made you go through the life of Cory Mathews as he taught the viewers as he grew up with all the challenges in life and all the obstacles that can be thrown at you, while dealing with them at the best ability. This show is an example of that connection while teaching at the same time.
Trash television is all about the next best thing and about what the people want to watch, it is mindless television. It doesn’t have the tendencies to teach you about life or inspire you to be something. Sometimes just watching it is an excuse not to even think for that half hour or hour. I agree with Megan on the fact that MTV has shows that give people a meaningless reason for their fifteen minutes of fame and in a very trashy way. Not all trash television goes as low as Next or the Ex-effect and Pimp My Ride. Shows like The Simple Life in my opinion are very entertaining, and you are anticipating what will happen next because they live such interesting lives. For instance, when you put them in a situation like camp it is entertaining to watch how the characters interact when they are taken away from what they are used to. It is considered trash because of the lack of plot and emotional and intellectual connection you can have with it, but at the same luring you to the couch to watch. The mystery of trash television remains, just because its something you hate to love and love to hate.

Matthew Gilbert said...

Megan, you are correct when you said,"I believe the greatest part of any artwork is the difference in opinion that comes from its viewers. There shouldn’t be a black and white definition for what art is and what is trash because our opinions and individuality is what makes us all unique." Art is something that is not set in stone. I think a great example of your idea is "Piss Chirst". "Piss Chirst", is a art in some communities and trash in other. What the artist did was take a picture of Jesus and then put it in a container with urine. I would like to use your definition.

Lauren Dorsaneo said...

I defiantly agree with how annieganotis described her definition of art. But I also think anything that inspires you or makes you think about your life and/or the world around you is art. I don't think what makes art art can be explained, but isn't that the point of art? Doesn't something that you consider art make you feel something; where something you don't consider art is just nice to look at? I think art will never have a set definition. There could never be a way for art to be proven art.

As for trash TV, I think it all depends on the person's interpretation of it. What one person considers trash TV might have changed someone else's life and be considered art to them.

Anonymous said...

According to, art can be defined as “the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.” In other words, something that goes beyond just having a plot and going with it. It would be a show that is well thought out and will in some way affect the viewer in a sense that they can really relate or, I believe, really dislike for “emotional” reasons because it is able to render a deep feeling.

Trash on the other hand is defined as “literary or artistic material of poor or inferior quality”. It’s more like an attempt at art, but well, in a simple term: fails. It seems that a lot of shows that are based on ‘dating’ and quick hook-ups and break-ups (see MTV and the classic Jerry Springer) give a light to a side of society that doesn’t need to be brought out. Trash, I believe is simply something that downgrades reality.

Catherine Toscano said...

Personally, I feel that there are two different definitions for art. There is the type of art that has been around for ages such as renound paintings and life changing sculptures that have had a major impact on the art world. Then there is every persons individual idea of what art is. Everyone has their own way of expressing their creativity and imaginative side, and what is considered art to some may be considered trash to others.
As for the definition of trash, I believe the majority of shows on TV at this time are complete garbage. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy watching all the shows from Real World, to Flavor of Love, but it is completely for entertainment reasons. These shows are of poor quality, yet they seem to be getting only more and more popular. Trash TV will never get the respect that real art does, but they certainly attract many different viewers.
TV is a great place to find examples that support the difference between trash and art. It is apparent that trash tv is everywhere. Our generation is attracted to these meaningless shows that leave us with no information, but instead feeling stupid after watching them. When I think of some shows that are not considered trash, the only thing that comes to mind is the history channel.
TV is changing more than ever, and although some people may enjoy the shows of poor quality, many consider them trash.