Saturday, October 6, 2007

Oct 6. Post class


Matthew Gilbert said...

Does anyone think that by kid nation not living up to the lord of the flies hype it will hurt its ratings s and may not make it to season 2? Watching this show it surprises me that there is not a lot more drama. I know for the 15 mins of recess after lunch in first grade there were always something going on. I just remember all the fights and romances that went on in my school when I was around that age.... Where is the drama???

meg143 said...

I agree with Matt, it will be very interesting to see if the lack of drama will affect the ratings of kid nation. It will be even more interesting to see what the producers will do about this, and how much they will allow the kids to do on the show. Many shows have taken pretty drastic leaps of faith to keep the attention of the viewers, but when dealing with young kids the rules are a bit more strict.

Unknown said...

I think that Kid Nation is a show that is going to have higher and higher ratings as time progesses. It has even made the 6 o'clock news!!!
One knows the kids are a big success when they are ridiculed by "The Soup". It has reached such a tremendous population that even the E! channel is talking about them.
The drama that the producers expose is just based on a week. I think that there will be more drama as time progresses because everyone is going to start missing home and are not going to care much about their competitions.

Maria Altamirano

PK said...

I disagree with Mayra, and think that Kid Nation is going no where fast. The show is trash and I don't understand how it crosses people minds that it is even close to good. The only reason Kid Nation is getting so much attention and publicity is the fact it’s the first of its kind. Just because it is the first of its kind does not mean it is good television. Yes, it’s a creative, maybe even good idea; but as far as I’m concerned it could be a lot better then what they have made it. I agree with Gilbert and Megan in that there is no drama, which is going to be a problem. I’m not exactly sure what they could do to make it better, but I just don’t think its cutting it. If there were “one hit wonder” for television, this would be that “one hit wonder”.

Brianna Seo said...

I really like the way Prose describes reality television. She draws a comparison between reality television and the current trends in American politics. She argues this link by noting that a camera captures people’s images “in the argot of reality programming, a ‘reveal’ concealed from the hapless participants” and that this existence of concealed information is also present in the policies of the current Republican administration. When people vote for a president or congressman, their decision is affected by the way the candidate is portrayed by the media.
Also, I like her use of the words “Darwinian” and “natural selection” to describe the characteristics of reality television programs and the trends in American politics. For example, in the reality television shows “Survivor” and “The Bachelorette,” though there are many participants, only one person wins. Similarly in politics, only one candidate is wins the election.
At the end of her essay, Prose writes that a reality television program is “a parody of democracy, robbed of its heart and soul, a democracy in which everyone always votes for himself.” If what she states is true, then why is there such a high demand for reality television? It is due to people’s expectations and dreams. People satisfy their inner wishes by watching others on television; they live vicariously through these television personalities. People vote for the candidates they prefer even though they know that there is a dark side to the election process. Regardless of this fact, they still foster a hope to better their lives.

michael O'keeffe said...

i have to agree with Pk i don't think that the show is going to go anywhere fast, i believe it is just a show that is a phenomenon like a fashion style it will fade eventually, especially since this type of show has been done before. If there was some type of high drama going on then i think the show would probably do better. It is also hard to create high drama with kids especially since they are not as mature and "cunning" as their older counterparts on show like survivor or the real world.

mollyandrews said...

I found that the show was much less interesting then I predicted. I remember being excited when I saw a preview for it, thinking it was going to be very rough and dramatic. People expect a certain level of drama and loss of innocence from reality television that Kid Nation can’t ethically provide. Like we talked about in class, there is certain level of innocence that can’t be taken away from the kids. Viewers seem to expect more to happen and the producers are not providing it so far. There is a fine line between leaving the kids unattended and having a certain amount of structure. For it to be rough and more dramatic it seems like there needs to be less structured, which was going to be the unethical debate from the beginning when people predicted it to be the opposite.

Anonymous said...

It's funny that you brought this up, because I don't think it even crossed my mind that there would be a second season, it just doesn't seem like the show that would have one. But then again, they fought this hard to get the show to be aired in the first place, why not keep it going if they have the viewers? I feel like when I watch it I'm being sucked in just because I want to know what the punk older kid is going to do to the innocent little kids and how all the little kids on the council react. It's so brain draining, but that's what makes tv i guess...

Mike Landry said...

I agree with matt, kid nation not living up to lord of the flies will hurt the idea of the show quite a bit. However, many people like then ew idea of kid nation and how it preserves the innocents of children. SOme of the crazy regualr reality TV drama may have been taken out, but lets be honest...they are still just kids

Catherine Toscano said...

I had heard so much about Kid Nation that by the time I watched it I had really high expectations for the show. I'm not going to say I didn't like it, but I definitely thought there was going to be a lot more to it, mainly more drama. I think without drama this show will not go far. Right now it is getting publicity, but I think that is only because it is new and unlike other shows. But when you think about it, Kid Nation can definitely be considered trash tv.