Tuesday, September 11, 2007

celebrities who aren't . . .

Here you can comment on smellebrities if you wish--the Linda Tripps and the William Hungs of the world.

(I might argue that Linda Tripp was very briefly in the news and that William Hung deserved to be a celebrity--he was entertaining and in some odd way very appealing . . . ) But what are your thoughts on talent-less celebrities?


Unknown said...

I think that talent-less celebrities are, in an odd way, smarter than the rest of us because they are getting paid for not being able to do anything. You dont see that happenning very often. They use the time that they get to be in front of the TV wisely and with the intent of getting more money in their bank account.
However, most of their fame dies very quickly because they dont have a certain talent that can truly "grab" the viewer.
I also think that, in the beginning, Paris Hilton was a "smellebrity" because all she did was attend to shows and premieres that she wasn't even involved with. Her sex tape helped tremendously in her becoming a more well-known celebrity.
In the contrary, now she can somewhat be called a celebrity since she has appeared in many movies and shows, models clothes, has her own perfume and a book about what it is to be her.

Maria Altamirano

mollyandrews said...

I think my viewing of “The Simple Life” fits into this category. Take
Paris and Nicole, who are famous for their parents being rich and famous. These two girls grew up in the spotlight for doing nothing in particular, yet used this limelight to mold their careers. In The Simple Life goes to camp they live at a campground and various types of programs come through, such as couples seeking to get closer, the overweight trying to shed pounds, and pageant girls trying to learn techniques on how to win. Their twist they add to the show is very entertaining and hilarious, and they do put a great deal of effort in trying to help out the programs. Paris even buys an engagement ring in an episode so a man can propose to his girlfriend! With this show and various movies and other appearances these girls have come along way from nobodies who where just there because of their daddy’s bank account. I enjoy watching them bring their Hollywood lifestyle to camp and I think it made them more humble and brought out a more relatable side to these two girls that many people never got to see.

courtbehm said...

Just a quick thought -- I totally agree with Molly. I mean, Paris and Nicole, and the whole idea of The Simple Life is that they're dumb, spoiled rich girls. I defiantly think that they are the epitome of "smellebrity". What talent do they have besides being trashy? Paris' singing career was horrible, and Nicole... has just lived off of her father. On the same note, in my own opinion, I think that smellebrities could be celebs with talent, but who misuse their talents. These celebs are like Lindsay Lohan, who is quite talented, but misuses her talent and gets involved in drugs, and raunchy side of hollywood.

Catherine Toscano said...

Personally, I think that "smellebrity's" are smarter than we all think. I would not go as far as to say that I have respect for them or that they are extremely talented people, but I can give them credit for using what they have to their fullest.
The only "smellebrity's" that come to mind are Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. Both of these girls grew up in Hollywood because of their parents, therefore making it easy for them to become famous. Although they were still in the Hollywood scene they really didn't become famous until their show The Simple Life--and I must admit I am a fan of the show. I'm not sure what attracts me to it, but if I had to give some ideas I'd have to say that I enjoy both Paris and Nicole's sick and twisted sense of humor. It is entertaining to watch them suffer as they go camping and are dealing with credit card separation anxiety. As for any other real reason for liking them, I can't really think of any. Either way, they grab not only my attention but people from all over the world. They may not have a really special talent, but they are certainly personable and they make a lot of money in doing so.

meg143 said...

While I agree that Paris and Nicole may fall into the "smellebrity" category I must say that I am a guilty viewer of the Simple Life. It is one of my favorite TV shows and I think they are both hilarious girls who just really have nothing to hide or hold back, which is what makes them so amusing. Most of the time shows like the Simple Life can just be pure entertainment, two spoiled celebrities just living the lives they were so lucky to be born into. But I completely agree with Courtney, in that it's so disappointing when celebrities like Lindsay Lohan who may have really acting potential throw everything away for being a spoiled little girl who thinks the rules don't apply to her. "Smellebrities" may be very amusing at times, but there is definitely a line that should not be crossed.

Brianna Seo said...

First American tv show I got to watch was "Jackass" when I was in my country, Korea. I would never forget the first impression I got and I want to point out the crew from jackass as smell-ebrities. They were doing nasty and disgusting things to make people laugh; They stapled paper on their butt one another. I could not see any oustanding talent from them.
It totally changed my thought of celebrities who are outstanding and possessing some values that can pass on us, adience.

annieganotis said...

Personally I believe that being famous has nothing to do with being smart or talented. I believe fame has a lot more to do with image and personality. A good looking person with an attractive image is going to have a much better shot at fame than someone who is less attractive but has the same talent. Celebrities must have a certain personality in order to succeed since there is so much competition.
Additionally just by having an interesting personality someone can be made into a celebrity. This is why Paris Hilton is famous. As long as you have qualities that make America interested in you then you can be a celebrity. Sometimes this involves being smart of having a talent but, as we have seen in many cases, sometimes it doesn’t at all.