Sunday, October 21, 2007

the morning news

How would you characterize the morning news show you watched? (Be sure to identify it.) Who do you think is its audience? How can you tell? What do you think of the host(s)? Is this hard news? Or soft? Be specific.


Unknown said...

Well the morning news that I watch is just the channel 13 news. They show the news all the time. I like it how they have the segment "Weather on the 1s". It's really helpful when you want to know the weather and watch the news at the same time.
Their audience is pretty much everyone that likes to watch the news. The hosts are likeable and have a good attitude when appearing on TV.
I would categorize this news channel as soft news because they just present local coverage rather than national.

Maria A.

Anonymous said...

The only "morning news" that I've ever really seen is the Today Show when Katie Couric was the whole reason everyone watched was actually very entertaining news to me because the hosts were laid back and having a good time on the show; things weren't so...scripted. The audience, no doubt was a middle-aged woman. Most of the topic sections revolved around food and wine, fashion, entertainment, and home& garden, not topics that the average man would run to the tv to watch. As a whole the Today Show really presents more soft news, just because of the way it is presented. Even when the topics such as the war in Iraq are brought up, these hosts aren't blood and guts spilling this news, like some stations tend to get. But again, I think it revolves more around the personalities of the hosts, they all have soft personalities that even when it can be classified as "hard news", it just doesn't come across that way.

Catherine Toscano said...

The only morning news that I watch is the Today Show. When I was growing up I was always forced to listen to it because my mom would always be watching it. Its on for two hours in the morning, and is for the most part entertaining. The show consists of a very brief synopsis of what is going on in the world, and touches on some of the world's major issues. Being the show is on for so long, it does not just focus on the news. They usually give a little blurb about whats happening every half hour, in between the talks about food, celebrities, and entertainment topics. The audience is definitely middle-aged women, or housewives. The type of news is definitely soft news. There is nothing harsh or abrupt about the Today Show. Instead it has a relaxed and calm atmosphere, and the hosts seem friendly and welcoming.

courtney behm said...

I watched channel 9’s Sunday morning Eye Witness News and to my surprise, it was not like any other news shows I have watched. Channel 9 was constantly talking about local and national news that would benefit its viewers, unlike other news shows that have celebrity gossip and news that doesn’t affect its viewers. Some of their topics included the weather, local highway news, interesting national news and information from the White House. Like Maria said, the news anchors were very likable and easy to listen and tune in to. As for the audience, I’m not sure whom this news is directed to. From the commercials and topics, I would assume middle-aged to older viewers, only because it left out the “gossipy, trashy news” that younger generations like.

michael O'keeffe said...

I watched the channel 13 news as well. I would have to agree with maria that it is a soft news, but the fact that they do have the weather on the 1s is very useful and since the weather can change so fast here in florida. The fact that they also show just local news creates a much smaller demographic to market their show. I prefer to watch a news show that has a more global component. Even channels such as CNN show mainly show news that pertains to the us and does not show what is going on in the rest of the world which i do find important and interesting

PK said...

Due to the lack of cable in my room, I decided to watch clips of the morning news from my hometown of Baltimore online. Today in the morning news, the main headline was about a man who killed his wife and then went on to try to kill himself but failed. He was then arrested by the police on the 10th floor of an apartment building. The man managed to get out of the shackles or whatever restraint tool he was put in and jumped off the building. He plunged to his death on the pavement below.
Is this how you want to start your morning? It is these types of headlines which influenced me to write my last paper. The fact that news stations are making these types of incidents so prominent in our news reports is ridiculous. I do not need to hear about these gruesome events before I head off to school or work. Rather I would like to hear about the weather forecast for the rest of the day or week. Yet, I am stuck watching these horror stories until the weather report comes on. If I am lucky, I would have had time to actually hear the whether, but I am sure there are some who do not have time to sit through an entire morning news and fall short of hearing the weather.
I agree with O’Keeffe in that I much rather hear about issues that are important in the world. There is usually not much of a national component to the daily news of your area; furthermore, there is not global component at all. Not everyone is lucky enough to have cable or satellite and cannot watch channels like CNN to find out about important issues in our world today.

meg143 said...

I also watched the Today Show while I was growing up; my mom was a big fan of it. The current hosts of the Today Show are Meredith Vieria, Matt Lauer, Ann Curry, and Gene Shalit. I agree with Catherine that the audience of this morning news show is definitely housewives or middle-aged women. The two hour morning show covers the news and what is going on in politics and the world today, but it also touches on much “softer” issues. A portion of the show always seems to be focused on gardening, cooking, or tips for housekeeping. They will also have interviews with current authors, nutrition specialists, or celebrities. It’s a combination of a news station as well as a morning talk show, definitely soft news, easy to listen to as well as very informative. I watched a clip of discussing if Miss England needs to gain weight to win the crown of Miss World. It’s clear that a large part of the show is focused on entertainment, but still has informative news information.

Matthew Gilbert said...

I am a big fan of the most republican morning show on televison fox news "FOX and Friends". This show covers all aspects of the news. The anchors on the show are funny and appear to be having a good time. During the show they give the news maybe with some right views but all and all its the news. I also enjou the guest they have on the show. This morning on the show it was good old Bill O'Reily. I enjoy Fox and friends to get my day going in the morning.

mollyandrews said...

On the Today show with Matt Lauer and Meredith Vera it is safe to say that most of the stories are targeted to parents. Stories such as how to upgrade your little black dress, seasonal cooking segments, the cost of heating your home are things that would entertain a married couple. The gossip on the show is moderate giving some main details of certain issues covering the headlines but otherwise focusing on the current events such as the war in Iraq, severe weather problems, and the current fires in California. I think this is mostly hard news but in a successful way because it give you the news you need to know while also entertaining. They do this by having performances of Fridays or special guests to teach a craft to attract more of an audience. The hosts are very charismatic and you become attached to the show through the hosts. I think all morning news shows have certain hosts with different opinions and it is up to the viewers which one they are drawn to.

Kelly Walsh said...

I watched "The Early Show" on CBS, and I wou hardly call it news. David Spade was a guest on the show, and he spoke to Harry Smith about his relationships with him co-stars. I felt that this interview should be found on Entertainment television, and not the news. The show also talked about how the former "Wonder Woman star and her battle with alcohoism. It also had interviews with John Edwards and other prominant political figures, but focused more on fashion. There was a fifteen minute segment on how to bundle up at afordable prices. I would consider this soft news because it focused on less important issues. Because I do not have cable in my dorm I was unable to see the hosts, and could only watch clips from the Early Show.

blogqueen said...

I watched Morning Joe. I like it because it tends to be actual news, not soft news aimed at Martha Stewart lovers or local murders. (No, pk, that is NOT how I want to start my day.) Fox and Friends tends to have a good amount of hard news as well, but there's too much of the hosts' biased opinions. I don't honestly care what they think--give me information. (Matt--how can you stand listening to that Steve Doucy?) Joe tends to be pretty fair. While I believe he was a Republican Congressman, he seems to be interested in all points of view rather than just whatever re-enforces his already existing opinion. Go Joe! And I, for one, do not regret Imus's departure in the least . . . although we had a lot of heated discussion about it around my house.

blogqueen said...

And--because I am REALLY ornery today--I cannot bear the soft morning news shows. Who has time to think about celebrity gossip? Or watch two hours of wine, house, and garden? Shouldn't this be called something other than news? I agree with Kelly on that.

ANd is Gene Shalit still alive? He was an old bag when I was a kid. . .

annieganotis said...

Like many other students in the class I watched The Today Show. I think the reason I watched this show is because it is a very soft news show. Personally I don’t like to start my day off hearing bad news. I like how The Today Show does have a little bit of hard news just so you can be informed on what’s going on in the news just to know what is going on but not a whole show devoted to real news. I don’t think The Today Show really is much on a news show though because of how little news it has. I think it is more of a talk show due to all the “Martha-Stewart-like” segments it has as well as the celebrity gossip and guest interviews. I agree with “mayra” and Catherine that this show is targeted to women and housewives. I know my mom watches it frequently. Many of the segments on fashion and parenting or when they plan weddings on the show are much more aimed for women.

Brianna Seo said...
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Brianna Seo said...

I watched same morning news as Kelly which is "The early Show" on CBS. I could not believe the show was actually called as a "news" program. The show included celebrity interviews which is for enterntainment not for giving accurate informations to vlewers. Even though the host, Harry Smith, was likable, I was disappointed by the news that focus on entertainment rather than giving good sources of information. The news was too soft that did seem more based on opinions rather than facts. Therefore, I think audience who watch this show will be people who want to be entertained with casual style of the show.

PK said...

After posting my blog on the news I watched, I wanted to see what others had watched and what they said. I agree with Kelly completely, in that so-called news shows like "The Early Show" on CBS should be considered entertainment not news. In my opinion shows like "The Early Show" should be put on channels like E, rather than serious networks like CBS. I will be even more ornery then you Blogqueen and say that these type of soft news shows are trash and pointless, and portray a terrible image of Americans and their values.