Sunday, October 28, 2007

Nancy Grace (due Nov 5)

Okay. What kind of news is this? Who is the audience? What gives Nancy Grace authority (if anything does)?


courtneybehmlander said...

I have watched Nancy Grace’s show a lot, and honestly- I can’t stand the woman. I believe she blows everything out of proportion and fabricates everything. What I mean is that everything is sensationalized- and only the gossipy and interesting stories are told. I also believe that Nancy Grace is just in it for the ratings, and because of this does not deliver the exact facts and information to the viewers. As far as the viewers, I would guess that they are regular people looking for more entertaining news that is in your face, loud, and what I find, obnoxious.

Kelly Walsh said...

Nancy Grace may be loud and obnoxious, but I feel that a lot of people buy it. It convinced me, and I was entertained with her show. She talked about a father who had just returned from Iraq to see his new baby daughter and wife; however, when he returned he found his wife with no child. The baby was later found in the attic in an empty diaper box. Nancy Grace talked about the story with passion, which made it more exciting to watch. However, I feel that she focuses on the same issues over and over again. She talks about children, missing people and problems with nannies to list a few. With more variety in her stories I think that people would be more engaged in her show. Her topics are directed towards an audience full of women.

Unknown said...

I have watched several episodes and I seriously CAN NOT stand her!!!!! She drives me nuts!!! She thinks she owns the show and says/does whatever she feels like.
When I watched the episode when she was talking about Paris Hilton and her DUI.. The people in the control room were putting the Paris Hilton's commercial on the screen and she asked them to put it down. The producers weren't listening to her..
With this occurrence, the viewer can clearly come to the conclusion that not even her producers like her.
She just doesnt know how to interview people right. She is not fit for this job because she doesnt let her guests speak their mind, only she says what she has to say.
I have never watched an entire show, because I think that she needs to be more bendable and open-minded about certain issues.
I would consider this show to be entertaining because people like to see other people explode on live TV.
Her personality and rudeness towards others reminds me of New York's mother on the I Love New York.

Maria A.

meg143 said...

I have never seen an episode of Nancy Grace, and after watching a segment of it I would guess that the audience of this show is not interested in serious news. It reminded me more of a talk show than an informational news program. Her bizarre personality and over the top reactions in her interviews make the show more focused on shock value than facts. I watched a segment of Nancy Grace interviewing Elizabeth Smart, and Nancy sounded so unintelligent and was not even focusing on the topics that were supposed to be discussed. In a way it is still addressing topics in the news to viewers, so maybe there is a certain audience that responds better to more entertaining and talk show based news.

PK said...

My post on Nancy Grace may not be very good, and a little harsh; as I am suffering from a migraine after listening to her talk. The show is an absolute joke, and anyone that is serious about news should not be watching this show. I disagree with Kelly completely, in that I bought nothing of what she said and don’t see how anyone would. Her language and behavior makes her seem uneducated, and reminds me of a high school girl trying to argue her point to her friends at the lunch table. Why would I believe a word she says? I agree with Mayra, in that I can absolutely not stand her. I watched the episode with Paris as well, which I am hoping is her worst episode, because I couldn’t imagine anything any worse. I am not sure what the whole confusion with the producers was about, but that alone just made the show seem fake and that its purpose was geared for entertainment. I think it is geared toward any viewer that enjoys loud-mouth women gossiping.

Matthew Gilbert said...

I think that Nancy Grace's audience is crazy house wifes. She made her career off the hardships of others. She is turned by kindnappings and murders. She is a leach. I HATE HER AND HER ANNoying voice. HOW CAN ANYONE I MEAN ANYONE GIVE THIs CRAZy lady a show? I FREAKIng just ahhhh!!! Someone please take her off the air!

michael O'keeffe said...

I do not think i can put it in any better way than Matt put it. Take this crazy bitch off the air.(pardon my french.) She really does not have any buisness being on the air, especially when she is piggybacking on her guests, while trying to coax the answers she wants out of her guests with that insanely annoying voice of hers. I think that the conversations that take place in our English class have more substance than the trash she allows on her show. My final statement about Nancy Grace is that one of her guests committed suicide the day after appearing on her show.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Jones, you are definitely killing braincells by making us watch this show. (just a joke!!)

But I'm watching an episode as we speak and it is just flat out annoying. Nancy Grace isn't even ON the show because she just had a baby or something but the host for tonight made sure everyone knew about the baby, the problems she had with giving it, and all the oh so wonderful personal stuff about Grace that we could possibly want to know.

Ok, so after that though the show was about the disappearance of Stacy Petersen and the husband being accused of her disappearance. I really don't know what more I can say other than what everyone else said right now. It's just annoying to watch and quite frankly I can't wait until it's over. I think that sums up the show pretty well...It's not news, it's a talk show that's talking about stuff that could be news if being discussed on CNN. This ladies voice is hideously annoying and it's not even Nancy by the way.
PS-I have no idea of who this shows target audience is. Maybe someone who is flipping through the channels and the TV gets stuck on channel 23 somehow.

Brianna Seo said...

Personally, I do not like the show “Nancy Grace.” The show relates justice the importance of justice through interviews and debates, which is a good basis for a show. However, Nancy Grace, the host of the show’s, lopsided perspective and aggressive attitude prevent the show’s ability to bring worthy and meaningful messages to its audience. The show does not look realistic since she is very repetitive on nearly every issue that is presented on the show. For example, I watched one episode where Nancy Grace interviewed one girl who was raped by a stranger. The fiirst thing she asked was “So, how did you feel about it when it happened?” What kind of question is that? It seems to me that she was just trying to emphasize the girl’s role as a victim, rather than really caring about her situation. I believe the show exists for the purpose of entertainment rather than a news source. Thus, its viewers will be people who are interested in dramatic controversies and like to be entertained in lieu of getting straightforward news.

Catherine Toscano said...

This was the first time I watched Nancy Grace's show, and oh my god I wanted to kill the woman. She was crazy, and I don't even think her show could be considered news. All of her "news" stories were blown out of proportion and she definetly focused on the drama aspects of them. It almost seemed as if the information she was giving out to viewers was fabricated, and I don't think this show should be taken seriously. Her viewers seem to be housewives who don't have anything better to do with their time. Also people who are looking to be entertained rather than getting hardcore news.

annieganotis said...

I would have to agree with the majority of the class in saying that this is not a very good news program and quite an annoyance to watch. It is one of the only news programs that is hosted by a women giving her opinions. Most of the other women on news channels are what you may call “anchor babes” and are mostly on the news for their good looks and speaking abilities. She is one of the only women that actually gives her opinion. Therefore, I think this show is on more for women viewers who are sick of only seeing men on news programs.