Sunday, October 21, 2007

O'Reilly and his Factor

Apparently O'Reilly and Olbermann are perceived as opposites. So you might check out Olbermann's Countdown. And the Colbert Report, of course, is a spoof of The O'Reilly Factor so you might watch Colbert with that in mind.

Is he a "hard-hitting, uncompromising No Spin" reporter? or a "biased Republican, all-spin zone" reporter? One of these quotes is from O'Reilly's own web site, the other is from ""

Is he entertainment or news?


Matthew Gilbert said...

I am a big fan of Bill O'Reilly and I am also a Colbert fan. Colbert does make fun of Bill O’Reilly, which is very comical. I remember when Bill went on Colbert’s show and Colbert went on Bill's show. It was a boost in both shows ratings. Bill and Colbert talked about many things such as politics and some personal shots at each other.

Bill O'Reilly is a "hard hitting uncompromising Not Spin reporter." He pisses off everyone republican and democrat alike. He is on Fox News and that tends to be more of a republican network but O'Reilly tries to show all sides of the argument with his guest and then at the end of the show put his own opinion onto the subject.

Catherine Toscano said...

To be honest, before this assignment was given I did not know all that much about the O'Reilly Factor or the Colbert Report. I've seen both shows multiple times before, but I never really paid much attention to them. Now that I have watched a few episodes more intently, I would say that I like both of these shows. I felt that the Colbert Report was very similar to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart because both take the regular news, manipulate it, and present it in a comical way to viewers. I would say that the Colbert Report is a mix of both entertainment and news. If I had to choose I would lean towards entertainment though.
The O'Reilly Factor is a news show, and he is a definitely a "hard hitting uncompromising no spin reporter." He is a very loud, opinionated man who could care less about what people think of him. He bashes people on his show, and if people are doing something wrong he will be the first person to call them out on it. He wants to represent his views to the world, and usually pisses a lot of people off when doing so.

meg143 said...

Before this class I had never watched the Bill O’Reilly show. I watched a segment of it on youtube of O’Reilly hosting Stephen Colbert. From my perspective it seemed that O’Reilly tries to be more formal and serious, and Colbert is more focused on entertainment. I guess that makes sense because Colbert’s show is shown on comedy central, however I can’t say that O’Reilly’s show had much more information or serious content. It does seem that O’Reilly is a “hard hitting, uncompromising No Spin reporter”. He seems to think very highly of his own opinion regardless of what other people think or say. O’Reilly has no problem bashing his own guests and I think he prides himself on being very loud and outspoken.

courtney behm said...

I’m not a big fan of news shows such as Colbert, O’Reilly or Stewart, but O’Reilly’s show caught my attention and kept it. I think I was so attentive because O’Reilly had radical guests and asked them questions straight up, and didn’t sugar coat- as other news programs do. I had never watched O’Reilly before, but I went on youtube and watched a couple clips and immediately clicked with everything he was saying, and I also found myself raising the same questions he asked and interested in the topics. O’Reilly for sure is a “hard hitting, uncompromising No Spin reporter”. I think that is why he’s so successful, he hits where other news shows would never dare to.

blogqueen said...

I'm going to have to watch O'Reilly tonight with a new eye because Matt says he "shows all sides." I think of him as Colbert portrays him--incredibly arrogant. He reminds me of Jack McLaughlin in that he gives everybody a chance to speak and then gives the "right" answer--his own. I think he's all O'Reilly all the time which translates to all spin all the time. But I'll watch tonight with a totally open mind . . .

PK said...

It is hard for me to come up with a clear and well-supported opinion of O'Reilly; as I have never watched his show before this class and have only watched segments on youtube. Still with this little information I have on Bill O'Reilly it is obvious that he is indeed a "hard hitting, uncompromising no spin" reporter. I agree with Megan in that he is very opinionated, and narrow-minded. Yet, I disagree with her in that the information seemed to be a bit more serious then that of Colbert. What O’Reilly thinks is what is right and he is fully confident of it. I think the arrogant mentality of O’Reilly attracts viewers to his show. Furthermore, I agree with Courtney in that he is very straightforward and to the point, whether it seems proper or not, he has no filter. This quality of his sets him apart from others as he raises questions of interest.

Unknown said...

I think that the Colbert Report is hilarious!!! He obviosuly doesn't like O'Reilly very much. When O'Reilly interviewed Colbert you could sense that there was tension betweeen them.
I agree with the website "He's a biased partisan Republican with an all right-wing spin-zone." He's extremely sarcastic!!!
He has gotten in many arguments with many guests.. Who's the common denominator in all of the fights?? HE IS!!! Due to his ideas and comments he has instigated all of the arguments that have occurred.
I believe that he has a set mind about certain issues occurring in this world and doesn't mind sharing them in public. He is extremely opinionated and outspoken person.
For me, he is definitely entertainment and news at the same time. Even though, he is talking about the news, he is still very entertaining due to the way he expresses and carries himself in front of the camera.

Maria Altamirano

Brianna Seo said...

Honestly, before this assignment, I never watched any of "Colbert Report" and "o'Reilly Factor" shows. After seeing them, I found out they are very interesting. In my country, Korea, we do not have these kinds of news shows. I watched an episode of Jon stewart, The O'reilly Factor, and The Colbert Report and I found some differeces among them. Personally I liked The O'Reilly Factor the most because the content of the show is more serious than Jon Stewart, and Stephen Colbert's shows. He is a "hard hitting uncompromising Not Spin reporter". Also he is sarcastic and funny, but at the same time, he points out important issues. In contrast, Stewart and Colbert's shows both more focus on entertainment rather than news. They are hilarious, but one can hardly call them news programs.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm a little late on this assignment, thank you soccer :-D

But anyway,

I've never really seen either show except for maybe one episode so it's hard to draw a either case I think something can be drawn just due to what networks they are shown on. I mean really, O'reilly is a program on FOX News is it not? Just to me that would make it seem like he should be more of a "hard hitting no spin reporter". Can we combine the two to make him a '"biased hard hitting no spin republican reporter"?

Colbert-what's there to say about him? His show is on comedy central for crying out loud. period. Whatever it is, help you if you really think you're going to get first hand serious stuff out of that. That's what makes it so wonderful in his own little Colbert way though.

michael O'keeffe said...

O'Reilly? He is a character that is hard to ignore. He is loud and obnoxious, but he definitely stays strong in the point he is trying to make. I think for a news show it is definitely entertaining mainly because his antics and arguments are so wild and outrageous. Its almost funny how intense O'Reilly gets especially when he is arguing with someone who strongly disagrees with O'Reilly's point.

In one episode O'Reilly has a guest who argues that a drunk illegal alien kills someone while driving and that there is a major issue with drunk driving. O'Reilly does not disagree that drunk driving is an issue in the country, but he also argues that if that illegal alien had been incarcerated because of his prior offenses there would be no issue of the drunk driving. O'Reilly eventually is able to turn his argument to the governments issue with immigration, which infuriates the guest and blows the entire argument out of proportion.

Not only is this wildly entertaining, it shows an angry, frustrated, and obnoxious side of a host which only boosts television sales