Friday, November 2, 2007

no spin? no way

spin spin spin.

That's all O'Reilly does. My favorite part of today's show was when he said "The LOON who wrote that is apparently on the editorial board" of some journal. He said, you can email them at this address. Please keep it respectful. !?! Does he think calling people "loons" is respectful?

Very funny. I love when he puts his "talking points" up so that I know how to think. As though they are fact. I particularly liked:

Church Attacks
:"the mainstream media doesn't condemn these actions. Some loons even encourage them."

Awesome. Look how his own sense of superiority leaches into every sentence. "The mainstream media" (unlike and inferior to me.) doesn't have the courage to condemn an arsonist. (Like you have to condemn arsonists. hello? the news is they got arrested for being arsonists. You don't need courage to condemn people who commit this sort of crime.) And then, of course, there are the "loons."

He then went on to rag on the city's mayor who didn't even bother to respond to O'Reilly because the perpetrator had been caught and he was caught up in an activity to feed the poor and homeless. He said
"Newsom is irresponsible. Nothing new." In his talking points. I find the "Talking Points" HILARIOUS, as, apparently, does Colbert.

Then out loud he said, directly addressing Newsom, "you are a coward and irresponsible." Just saying. This is not news. This is the endless opining and editorializing of an arrogant man who thinks he's both smarter and more interesting than he is. (Although obviously since he's been reasonably successful, I am wrong here and some people do fiind him interesting . . . )

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