Wednesday, September 26, 2007

post-class/Kid Nation optional 9/26

Any thoughts about kid nation? The ethics? The "plot"? How "real" it is? The entertainment value?


Anonymous said...

I'm in the middle of watching an episode right now and I have to comment RIGHT NOW because this is insane! These kids...just killed two chickens...what!?!

Ok, now just because of this, there has to be some kind of line drawn between how real this is. There is no way that these kids really just were like "We need protein, let's kill a chicken". They are obviously a lot more behind the scenes action happening, like directing the kids in what their every move is going to be. Not necessarily every little thing, but I think a majority of it is being directed...

It's entertainment no doubt though.

blogqueen said...

Here's what S says. She's eleven.

It's really a good show. I would love to go on Kid Nation. But it looks easier than it is because they edit a lot out. But it would be fun and interesting. I would work really really hard even if I were the lowest class. I would do the best I could. And if I were in the upper class, I would share my food and stuff.

I thought the killing of the chickens was really sad but things dying is just part of nature. Sometimes you need meat. Sometimes you just have to have meat. (Me: some people are vegetarians and vegans. Sadie: I need to have meat.) But I'd only kill it when I needed meat.

Me: I'm horrified that you would kill a chicken.
S: Sometimes people just need to eat food that is not eggs or fruit or salad, food that you're used to. Food that is yummy.

blogqueen said...

Here's what E says. She'll be fifteen next week:

I think that the concept was questionable to begin with but I think the show has done a pretty good job. The whole Kid Nation thing doesn't bother me, but the editing does. And the way the kids have been made to look. They're going to go home and be shunned and they're only ten years old. They're not really old enough to make the decision to be portrayed like that. They don't really understand the editing and that what they say can be morphed and stretched and put in an entirely different context. And that's not fair.

blogqueen said...

check out this article:

The new fall season is slowly launching in American television as the major networks struggle to retain market share and profitability amid an increasingly fragmented audience. One new entry is the CBS series Kid Nation, surely one of the most ill-advised series in recent memory.

Read on at:

blogqueen said...

One more:

After all the editorial hoopla, the legal wrangling and the “Lord of the Flies” rumors, it is deflating to report that the biggest problem with the controversial “Kid Nation” is what a tame, predictable TV show it really is.

For more,

PK said...

Kid Nation is absolutely ridiculous is my opinion. The editing of this show is so intensive that they leave no real aspect to the show. I am going to go as far to say that it is a lie when they say that it is reality television. I think people should be outraged that it is on television. This is the perfect example when talking about the "blur effect". Children across American are watching this show and seeing these other children do the things that kids of their age are truly not capable of doing. Children should not be killing chickens! Would you really want your child to get the impression that it is okay to kill a chicken? I think children are getting a very false image of the life of kids 8-15. I think this show could be potentially as dangerous as any of the explicit rap songs, or violent movies that are protested all the time for their affects on children.

Unknown said...

Well, this week was my first time watching Kid Nation and I thought it was pretty interesting the way these kids portray themselves in front of the camera. They all have their own personalities. Some of them stand out more than others by calling attention to themselves with their own little remark or action. The rest are just following along trying to get their job done.
Some viewers believe that it's not right, how the producers and editors make the show seem like there are categories within the kids like being the "smart one", the "princess", or the "snobby".
Even though, I completely agree with this point because they shouldn't use kids for their own benefit, I also believe that the kids and the parents had a good perception that this was going to happen because it has occurred in all reality TV shows like: The Hills, Laguna Beach, Newport Harbor, The Real World and so on. I dont think the producers or editors are to blame for this, but the parents themselves. They are the ones that allowed to have their kid on a TV show, despite the known effects that TV can do to a kid's self-esteem and future life.
I do think that the show is interesting though because all you see are the kids, yet there are many people that are behind those cameras watching them and looking ovet them.

Maria Altamirano

Anonymous said...

I think you're eleven year old is a genius...make sure she knows that.

Kelly Walsh said...

I agree with Pat regarding the fact that the show is so edited that it leaves no room for reality; however, this is the case with nearly every "reality" tv show. They spend all day filming these kids and only show one hour per week, so this leaves plenty of room for changing the plot and portraying each person a certain way. As for the ethics of the show, I find it heard to believe that these kids are left alone in a deserted town with no adults. There is a camera crew following them, the host of the show, and most likely adults scattered throughout the town. They may not be seen on the tv, but they are there in the event of an emergency. There is no doubt that the show is entertaining. It is interesting to see how these kids interact with one another and learn how to work alone.

Brianna Seo said...

Honestly, I thought the show Kid nation was entertaining. However, this show is very unrealistic that I would never call it as reality tv. Especially, killing chickens is not what 8-15 years old kids should do. Also there are adults who take care about them behind the show and they direct the kids what to do and what to say. Some kids said things that did not sound natural since they were acting infront of the camera.
Last ridiculous thing in the show was that the show offered golden stars which valued 20,000dollars to some kids who behaved better than the others. They should not put the money for getting kids' motivations. What would the learn? Acting and fighting for money? This can be bad influence on kids in the show and kids who watch the show.

Catherine Toscano said...

I find this show to be quite ridiculous, but at the same time I am fascinated by it. I watched the episode where the kids killed chickens, and I still don't really know what to say about that. It really threw me off guard and made me ask myself if this was really happening?!
I also agree with what Maria said about the producers categorizing the kids. I think its pretty obvious though that most reality based shows tend to put the characters into categories and then focus on catching the moments that show them only being a brat for example. I also agree that it is the parents' fault for submitting their children to this and allowing them to be on the show.
Overall though, I find this show entertaining as I do with a lot of the other bad shows that I watch. The only difference is that I am at an age where I am able to watch this episode solely for entertainment and not mix it up with what actually is real. The problem is that other children in the world who are watching this show do not have the ability to decipher between the two. So I think that kids at that age should not be exposed to such material.

Catherine Toscano said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brianna Seo said...

I agree with Maria. I can not ever understand the parents who let their kids to be in the show!

Matthew Gilbert said...

This is awesome! Just downloaded this off itunes, and it is amazing. I would let my kid go on this show because I believe that someday my kid will be giving out that gold star.

michael O'keeffe said...

I believe that kid nation is just another phenomenon, television show to grab people and keep them interested. Its just like survivor when it came out, everyone was talking about the ethical issues about sending people to fend for themselves in the wilderness. Well kid nation is the same thing. Although yes the show is using children, which is a huge factor to why the show has so many ethical issues. But, you cant tell me that these kids are out on their own with absoluteley no one watching them or making sure they don't kill each other. Can you even imagine the insurance policy that they had to write up just to get this show approved. Not to mention the law suits that would follow if some one ever got seriously hurt.