Sunday, September 16, 2007

Talk shows leave openings . . .

"Talk shows leave openings . . . more than elsewhere in mass culture, for honest expressions" (Gamson, 94).


peter harvey said...

I think some talk shows, mostly the controversial ones, have openings for expression. Honestly the guests of a show like Maury are more likely to speak their mind and be blunt than a guest on Oprah.

One thing I did find very interesting thought, was that the guests of the Springer show have to sign a waiver stating that everything they say is truthful and if it isn’t they are liable for the production cost of the show ($80000). Just found that to be interesting.

michael O'keeffe said...

Well commenting on Peters blog i thought it was very interesting that he found information that people who are on the springer show are held accountable for what they are saying. I have to contest that statement. I was pretty sure that Gamson had some evidence that actors were hired to play a certain role on the talk shows. I always thought that the basic concept of an actor is to portray someone or something besides themselves. Which in some sense would be considered lying, Right?

Matthew Gilbert said...

"Talk shows leave openings . . . more than elsewhere in mass culture, for honest expressions" (Gamson, 94). Jerry Springer and all the test of the talk show trash do make it very easy for people to express their feelings and ideas. I think Oprah gave the upper class a voice and Jerry Springer turned on the camara for the trailer park.

I enjoyed the reading chapter 3 and 4. I thought we should have talked about the quote on the first page of chapter 4 by John Lofton. Its a long one so Im not going to type it by open your book to page 106 and check it out.

Brianna Seo said...

I do believe there is a "moment of truth" of guests, but I do not agree with his statement which is saying "talk shows leave openings more than elsewhere." In talk shows, the directions for guests are already set up and they should follow them whatsoever. Some guests did not even know what the topic would be until the show started. Most of them come to the stage for earning money and their expressions are controlled by the producers who offer the money.
"the moment of truth" comes out one a while accidently.

PK said...

I agree to some extent with the statement, "Talk shows leave openings...more than elsewhere in mass culture, for honest expressions". I think that talk shows do indeed allow for someone to express true emotion. Additionally, I think that some people really do truly express themselves on shows like Jerry and Maury. But on the other hand, I do not agree with how talk shows use so many methods to make these emotions come out in people. Is it a real emotion considering the fake environment they are in? This is a tough question for me to answer. Part of me wants to think that it really does help people express themselves, and the other part of me thinks it is sad and pathetic just because of how fake everything else is.

Anonymous said...

"Talk shows leave openings . . . more than elsewhere in mass culture, for honest expressions" (Gamson, 94).

keywords being 'honest expressions'. Sure talk shows leave openings for some expressions, whether you feel like acting out some expressions or you truly feel that's an expression :-D. Honest expression though? I still feel that much of the time it's not an 'honest' thing. It's called 5 minutes of fame. If it's an honest emotion then great! if not, who's going to know the difference if it's acted out well?

Anonymous said...

I also really like the point that 'pk' brought up...Is it a real emotion considering the fake environment they are in? Even if the emotion is real, what is it real to? The anger emotion for example can just be fueled by a host that wants to see it, even if it wasn't originally there.

Unknown said...

I do agree, to some extent, that "talk shows leave openings... for honest expressions like these to burst through".
Even though most of the times hosts and producers try to make a certain guest act a different way to make their show seem more interesting, there are some rare times when a guest just cant take it anymore and truly bursts out with the truth.
In talk shows like Jerry Springer, people get so mad and rowdy at each other that they start somewhat conservative by yelling at one another; however, by the end the people just start hitting each other and telling their deepests secrets in front of millions in national TV.
This might not be the smartest way to be "expressive" and "honest" about your life and past situations, but people still do it and are going to keep on doing it.

Maria Altamirano

Unknown said...

I agree with Brianna and the fact that the guests dont know what they are getting themselves into, until they are finally about to be on the air. Producers are the ones that manipulate all of their guests to a certain direction to acquire the ratings that they want for their show.
Also, some people are actors that come to the show to practice their acting skills and earn some extra money. When they get their "honest expression" it might not even be the truth, they might just be acting to get better ratings for the show and to be contracted again some other time.

Maria Altamirano

Lauren Dorsaneo said...

I enjoyed talking about talk shows in class. I thought it was very interesting learning how much the guests go through between actucally getting on the show and the pressure some receive from the producers. Previously I've never thought about what they go through. Especially the emotional aftermath of being on a "tash tv" talk show.