Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Will and Grace


courtneyb said...

I just watched an episode of Will and Grace for the first time, and I thought it was very entertaining. The producers play off of Jack's homosexuality and his relationship with Karen. In the episode, Jack is sick and Karen takes care of him and realizes how she wants to be a mother. A sub-story in this episode is the honest relationship between Will and Grace. Both Will and Grace are trying to be more charitable and lie to eachother about where they are working. After the episode, I thought it was very funny and I would not conisder it in any way "trashy tv" just entertaining tv.

PK said...

I just watched my first full episode of Will and Grace, and to my surprise I thought it was fairly good. Prior to watching the show I figured it would be a worse version of "Friends". While there are similarities between the two, I don't think "Will and Grace" downplays Friends in any way. The episode of "Will & Grace" I watched was really funny. Grace gets a sore on her lip from a surgery, yet her man doesn’t hold it against her. Ironically enough, Grace cannot deal with the fact that he has six toes even though she has a huge sore on her lip. Also, Will and Jack fight over the same man. Ends up, that they solve their man dilemma by both being the bigger man and walking away. I think "will & grace" has a great sense of humor. It is nothing too outlandish or crazy, but the show takes normal situations that have happened to many or at least people can relate to, and makes them humorous. “Will &Grace” wouldn’t be the first thing I put on my television, but it isn’t a show I would mind watching if someone wanted to.

meg143 said...

Will & Grace is a show that I would say I watch on a regular basis. I wouldn't consider it trash because I believe the relationships on the show are so interesting and entertaining that you almost feel like you know the characters personally. I find it amazing that it is still one of the only shows based on gay people, but is completely socially accepted. The relationship that Will and Grace have, makes most women want a gay best friend, and I think it's really great that a show based on homosexuality has done so well. I think Will and Grace has a bad rap as a trashy version of friends but I think it deserves it's own genre, there aren't many shows on tv like it.

michael O'keeffe said...

I have watched a few episodes of will and grace before, mainly with my ex-girlfriend. I Do not think that the show is trashy in any way, i think its absolutley hilarious, maybe its because i have a bit of a sarcastic type of humor. I think that the show bridges a gap that most people do not really get to see very often. The fact that Grace is starit and has been married and divorced, yet lives with a gay man is pretty mind blowing for a television show. I mean most people have seen it in high school, the good looking girl with the gay best friend. As courtney said i think the fact that the producers use the characters homosexuality to make a show is pretty interesting, because it not only appeals to the gay crowd but it also to all types of people

Mike Landry said...

I have seen will and grace a few times before and everytime it is never as bad i as expect it to be. the idea of this show is very dumb, and in my mind i assume and can not be a good show. Yet, this time, and a few others the show has been surisingly amusing. Even though in the eyes of america being gay is different, all the guys on the show seem very likable and very amusing. I honeslty figured it would be a dumb attempt at gay people making fun of themselves to get laughs out of everyday veiwers, but on the show all the characters seem funny and respectable in their own way. THis show seems to break the grounds and makes homosexuality acceptable on television, an idea that would be shunned in any generation before. The espisode i saw had to do with grace getting an abnormal sore on her lip, and the guy she has been seeing has to deal with this, but in the process grace realizes she can not deal with the fact that he has 6 toes. the plott once again sounds very dumb, but entertained me.

Catherine Toscano said...
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Catherine Toscano said...

Every night I have trouble falling asleep so I got into the habit of watching TV before bed. It happened to be around the same time that I went to bed that Will and Grace was always on. I would watch it just to fall asleep to, but eventually found myself becoming more interested and actually liking the show.
I would definitely not consider the show trash, instead I find it extremely funny and entertaining. I enjoy how some of the episodes are easy to relate to because a lot of times they relate to real life situations. I love how every character has such unique personalities, yet they all relate and play off each other.
Also, being homosexual and different in the world isn't really accepted still so the fact that this show is focused on two gay men is pretty novel. Will and Jack are also very likeable characters so I think it is great that Will and Grace can be an accepted television show that attract viewers.

Brianna Seo said...
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Brianna Seo said...

It was my first time that I watched the episode of Will and Grace, and I thought it was really intersting. The show was possessing the relationhips between gay people(like jack and will) and staright people who were around them. It seemed like the "gay" person who can be defined as not "normal" treated equally as a stright person through their relationship and friendship.Through this show and the likable gay characters, I thought people might change their perspectives unconciously toward the homosexuals.

annieganotis said...

After watching Will & Grace, I have decided I don’t think it can be classified as trash. Will & Grace is probably one of the first sitcoms or shows on television that portrayed gays in a positive way. Unlike many talk shows, that show gay people being cross dressers and having bad morals, Will & Grace moves away from that. Will and Jack are very likeable characters that even straight people can relate to.
Although the characters are gay it shows how Will can still live with a straight women and get along. The show plays of off the strange scenarios that come about with them living together but in a humorous and tasteful way. It is very entertaining but has also done well in showing gays in a good way.

Anonymous said...

I've only seen one episode of Will and Grace so it's kind of hard to make an opinion about it.

But I did read the article about it in the "Signs..." reading we had so that made it a little bit easier. But one of the things that they pointed out that was interesting was how the Ellen sitcom was on a little over a year before that and didn't do so well. Apparently it was trying to hard to bring the point about homosexuality across. But I guess what was different about Will and Grace is that was not pushing the whole topic of homosexuality, it just plays it how it is. I would have to agree in saying that Will and Grace isn't really under the category of trash tv. It just doesn't hold the qualities...

Unknown said...

This was my first time watching Will and Grace. I thought it was very entertaining and hilarious!!
The show doesnt really revolve around Jack's or Will's homosexuality, yet on the lives of all four of them living in New York City.
I find Grace very likeable and funny... Her assistant's voice adds to her character in the show. She is childish and somewhat honest.
I have to agree with Signs when it mentions that the show deals with "homosexuality as a way of life not as a homosexual man's coming out." The fact that the two gay guys act completely different and give a different perspective to the word "gay". It definitely helps to see "Will's" side of being a gay man because most people think that gay men act like Jack.
The fact that "Will and Grace are often positioned as a couple" and how we not see Will with another man, help the viewers to grasp the show as a "normal" show dealing with regular, every-day problems; not about how gay people deal with the world.
Like Signs mentions, "the show is meant to explore a strong platonic love between a man and a woman" even though that might not be the case, that is what makes the show hilarious and extremely entertaining.
I would definitely NOT call this show "trash". It deals with every-day problems in a funny, more relaxed way. It can entertain many families and you can laugh about all the silly things the four friends do. Plus, all of them have different personalities which set them apart thus adding to the show's success.

Maria Altamirano

Matthew Gilbert said...

I watched an episode on Will and Grace. I like the show. It is a connection for stright guys to relate to gay guys. The events that happen on the show are events that could happen to stright guys. I saw the episode when Will and Grace lie to their friends to hangout with another group of friends. It was something that I could relate to not trying to hurt anyone feelings. I enjoyed the humor in the episode. The sub-plot of this episode is that Jack and that crazy girl go to a PTA meeting and jack reflects on his child hood fears of school and how he was picked on.