Sunday, October 28, 2007

Chris Matthews (Nov 7)

Wiki calls Hardball (or did when I posted this) "a talking-head style cable news show where the moderator advances opinions on a wide range of topics, focusing primarily on political issues."

Check out the website below for the transcript of Matthews on The Daily Show. How could I have missed it?


Unknown said...

Well this was my first time watching Hardball. It didn't entertain me much, it was just like any other news program.
Even though he did talk about a "Range of topics", he "focuses primarily on political issues."
In the episode I was watching, he talked about Senators, Giuliani...
He doesnt stand out from other news reporters..
In conclusion, I didn't like it very much. He wasnt entertaining or worth watching.

Maria A.

meg143 said...

This was also my first time watching Hardball and I must agree I didn't enjoy it much either. He focuses completely on political issues and reminded somewhat of Hannity on the Hannity and Colmes show, in that his opinion is the only one that matters. I feel that on an informative news show this is the wrong attitude to have. I didn't find him very entertaining either, he doesn't stand out much from any other news reporters.

PK said...

Hardball with Chris Matthews was an okay show at best show. I agree with Megan because he reminded me of Hannity on the Hannity and Colmes show. Matthews seemed like he is very opinionated and only thinks what he says is right. In fact, in the show I watched Matthews told the person he was interviewing that "no he will not let him get away with that, and that it is not a fair comparison" and reiterated this statement several times preventing the man for talking. Hannity is at least entertaining on his show, while Matthews like Myra said is no different from any other news reporter. The topic of the show I watched was funding issues on Iraq, which was relevant in importance, but overall Hardball just didn’t do it for me.

Catherine Toscano said...

This was also my first time watching Hardball, and I was not a big fan. The show did not hold my attention at all, instead I found myself wanting to turn it off. It was not entertaining, but instead was straightforward with the information and boring. I found it to be similar to other news broadcasts, but even the regular news is more entertaining. This is because they make the information more dramatic, therefore more amusing for viewers to watch.
The show is supposed to cover a wide range of topics, but I found the primary focus to be on political issues.
I also agree with Megan and Pat that he is similar to Hannity because he could care less about other people's opinions. It is only his opinion that is important and right.

Brianna Seo said...

It was first time for me to watch this show “hardball” and despite to most of classmates’ opinion, I liked it personally. I thought the one I watched was very informative and it did not only focus on “Politic issues”. It was about dangerous situation in Pakistan and what American government should do to get a best solution. By watching it, I learned Pakistan is only Muslim that has nuclear weapons and Musharaf’s request toward America. I thought it was very important topic to discuss in America society today, and let Citizens know what was going on. I am not saying that Chris Matthews was not biased, but he was not cynical as other hosts such as Hannity and Colmes and the show had subsistent issues.

Anonymous said...

To be honest, I completely disagree with the three who were saying that Hardball could be compared to Hannity and Colmes. I didn't think Matthews was AS opinionated as Hannity and Colmes, especially because he was loud and boisterous about it at the times he was expressing his opinion. He allowed his guests to talk (what? is that what a guest is supposed to actually do!?), which is what really stood out for me. PLUS the fact that there were multiple guests at one time so it was really an interesting spread of views on one specific issue.

Overall, I actually like the show, as a news show and did accept the fact that this is more a political news show (as stated by the quote), but none the less, it is still news.

And the article, quite amusing I might add. I tried to find a youtube link for it...there was none. Disappointing. Stewart really tears him apart, with a right to do so I beleive, only because comparing life to a I don't like it. a Jon Stewart quote: "If you treat life like a campaign, at the end of your life do you give a concession speech? " that was hilarious. kbye.

courtneybehmlander said...

I have watched Hardball before and I really enjoy it- I think because Chris Matthews really attacks the guests. I really don't agree with Matthews having a wide range of topics, because every Hardball show I've seen had to deal with politics, the war or something else due to politics. Megan made a good point that Matthews is similar to Hannity- very opinionated and he's not afraid to tell it like it is.

annieganotis said...

After watching Hardball for the first time I, like most of the class, didn’t like it. I agree that it wasn’t very entertaining and was just like most other news shows. I think that the reason few people in our class liked it is because it is aimed toward an older demographic. People the age of those in our class are more likely to watch news that is more entertaining like Colbert or John Stewart. Hardball is much more of a serious type of show that I think is watched more frequently by older people that watch the news more for information then to entertain.

Anonymous said...

ok one thing I think I need to add to my post is that maybe I watched a good episode because I definitely didn't get Chris Matthews really attacking his guests. I mean...he did, but not like Hannity and Colmes. So maybe I just watched on a good day?

Mike Landry said...

THis was my firs time watching chris matthews. The show was way more dry than i expected. From all the hype around this show, i expect to be more entertaining and it seemed almost as boring as regualr news casts. I agree with the statement that he reminds me of hanity from hanity and colms, but without colms hanity would seem dry too. The hsow got its points across, but just lacked any flare to separate it from any other boring news cast