Tuesday, November 6, 2007

CNN (For Nov 14 but you can do it ANY time before that)

Watch a whole hour of the news. Is it straight news? Or did you sense a bias? Explain.


courtneybehmlander said...

After I watched Fox News, I watched CNN morning news and I can defiantly sense a Liberal bias. It was very minor to me, but I noticed it by the way they present the material. CNN presented real news as well, but I felt like it was boring, mainly because of the newscasters. The newscasters were very monotone and it made me want to just stop watching. All in all, the news topics were the same as Fox, just presented a different way.

Brianna Seo said...
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Brianna Seo said...

I watched a CNN News program called “Special Investigation Unit.” I didnot think that the host of the show was especially dramatic or biased,but I still disliked the program because it repeated and emphasized thesame point over and over again. The episode was about a wrestler whosedeath was caused by drug abuse and steroids. Although the issue of druguse is an important one, I do not think the same point needs to bestressed for the duration of an hour. The personal content of theepisode does not directly relate to or affect the lives of the majorityof people. The show featured experts on the subject and usedprofessional terms that many people might not understand. It seemed morelike a documentary than a news program.
In addition, thirty minutes intothe show, there was a “news flash” that lasted less than a minute. Thebits of news featured were displayed so rapidly that I could not take inmost of it. Thus, even though the way host behaved was fairly objective,I did not like the show because of the poor quality of its content.
I also watched “Nancy Grace” on CNN and was verydisappointed. Nancy Grace presented the audience with extremely biasedinformation and acted in a highly obnoxious manner. I did, however, like“American Morning,” which is also a show on CNN. It presented the viewerwith a variety of issues and had high quality content that includedinternational news, politics, and weather.

Kelly Walsh said...

I just watched CNN, and it covered stories ranging from an oil spill, the death of rapper Kanye West's mother to strikes in Broadway theaters. It talked about how an oil spill in San Francisco Bay may have been a crime, and included pictures of sad residents and the poor birds. I didn't mind watching the news; however, I did mind the ridiculous amount of commercials. I assumed that the news would discuss the serious issues instead of giving you a brief introduction and leaving you. I liked how the newscasters gave you a little introduction to what they would cover on the show, but I was frustrated when it was cut off by a long commercial break. I found the content in the news to be a little gossipy and dramatic, but this did not bother me too much. The best story was one about the deadly storm in the Black Sea. I had heard nothing about this natural disaster, and several people have died in the 18 foot waves. I sensed a slight liberal bias similar to Courtney, but it was not something I really thought about while I was watching it. I was overall pretty impressed with CNN news.

meg143 said...

Growing up I feel that CNN was the primary news show watched in my house. I have always thought of it to be straight news, but I hadn’t watched full episodes to be completely sure. Some of the topics covered in the episode I watched dealt with a pending bill that Bush was planning to veto, a police officer who shot a teenager who claimed they had a gun, and a robbery suspect who was killed by an alligator. I felt that these were legitimate topics and I liked the way the newscasters presented the information. In addition to these topics, others were about the death of Kanye West’s mom and how the Hannah Montana fan club was being sued. These topics were more gossipy but it seems that every news show throws in some gossip issues to keep the viewers up to date. Overall I was also impressed with CNN news and felt that it was a good representation of straight news.

annieganotis said...

I watched Nancy Grace. It was a little different than the last time I watched it though since Grace wasn’t there and there was someone else a little less obnoxious filling in for her. The main subjects of this episode were the death of Kanye West’s mother and finding the body of Sgt. Drew Peterson’s third wife. It is hard to judge if there is bias if there is this kind of news. This kind of thing is gossipy, as Megan said, and has little to do with national or international issues. Although CNN has a reputation of having a liberal bias, I didn’t sense this for the hour that I watched it due to the subject of the news of which they spoke.

Unknown said...

I just watched CNN news and I think that there was definitely a bias againts Mexico. They were talking about where illegal drugs come from. They focused more so on Mexico than in any other country.
Plus, he did not give any statistics on where he got his information from.
I felt like they dont like illegal immigrants or have something against Mexicans because he didnt give any credible sources in his information.
Other than that, they gave a variety of topics including politics, crime, and sports.
In addition, I disliked their hosts because they dont possess true emotion when they present their news.
I feel like they are trying to persuade the viewers to agree with their opinions/views when presenting a certain issue. Also, they are sarcastic more so than professional.

Maria A.

Anonymous said...

Personally, CNN is my primary news source (especially the online news) just because I think they do a decent job of presenting the news and leaving it at that. There doesn't need to be screaming emotion behind it and CNN does a good job of keeping it that way. IThere's really not much to say about it...it's news and the episode I saw just covered the basic issues...politics, overseas, and then some issues going on within the country.

Oh and i agree with Megan how news shows always throw in gossip. The truth is, everyone wants to hear it whether they admit it or not. It is news none the less, and CNN like many news stations throws in small amounts of gossip, but for the most part they stayed focused on the bigger issues.

Mike Landry said...

I grew up around CNN, and my aprentsh ave always watched it over Fox news. If there is a beaking story i want to check out i naturally go to CNN or CNN.com. After watching and episode of CNN and FOx news i feel like CNN was more serious anf focused on real hard news topics more than gossip. You can definetly sense a liberal attitude to the show, opposin the Fox's consertive one, but it seems less imfluencial on the stories.

peter harvey said...

CNN has always been my source for hard news, the program tends to have more national and world headlines than other channels. after watching it i i was able to detect a strong liberal influince in their reporting.

mollyandrews said...

I watched an episode of Nancy Grace on CNN that covered the story of Kayne West’s mother dying one day after she went under the knife for cosmetic surgery. This show went into very good detail about every aspect on the story and I think that it did a good job of giving us as much information as possible to this moment. The man standing in for Nancy Grace while she was in the hospital actually did a better job then her on her own show. He wasn’t as obnoxious and interviewed everyone from attorneys, doctors, and family friends. They went into detail about how the doctor who performed the surgery had a history of malpractices and he had a 500 million lawsuit against him the past along with many others in 2002 and 2006. They went to asking many different people about how they think he was to blame by answering caller’s questions. They also showed the audience how close Kayne and his mom were and going into detail about how they co-wrote a book together and how she was the CEO of his company and how they were not only best friends but business partners, which goes into the aspect of emotion Nancy Grace usually has on her show. I found that even when the show was on, CNN made sure to update you with hardcore facts scrolling at the bottom of the screen of other current issues of the day. I feel that CNN is more hardcore news than Fox. Like I said at the end of my other post that I feel is relevant to this topic as well, it is “a simple question: ‘In a time of crisis, which television channel would you turn to first?’ Regardless of the normal preferences and opinions, most people will reach for CNN. You may like Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly, but when a space shuttle explodes or an airplane crashes, you will go for CNN. ( http://zonaeuropa.com/20050527_2.htm)

annieganotis said...

I watched the same episode of Nancy Grace that Molly did and I agree with her that the story was covered very well. They interviewed almost everyone that you could think of that had information on the story of Kanye West's mother dieing. Although they did do a very good job covering this story it still makes me wonder isn't there something more important that needed to be covered on the news? This was a tragic story and was interesting but I'm not sure how helpful or relevant any of this information is to America.

Catherine Toscano said...

My parents have always watched CNN news so I basically grew up around it. I've never actually sat down and watched a full hour, but now that I have my opinion of CNN is still the same. The only difference is that I noticed they cover some gossipy stories here and there. For example, they spoke about the death of Kanye West's mother and how she might have died from possible complications from the surgery she had. Either way, CNN mainly covers real news, and in the hour that I watched it they spoke about the gas prices, Iraq, and the Election. Although some of the topics that they touched on were not hard news, it was still information that was useful to people. For example they spoke about the common cold and flu that is going around and told viewers how to prevent themselves from getting it. Overall, I still consider CNN a reliable source to recieve news at. Whether this news is straight news or has a bias, I am not too sure. From the hour I watched I did not get a sense that the information being presented had a bias. Instead I just felt like I was being given straightforward important information.

Matthew Gilbert said...

I am a MSNBC fan. FOx news is a right wigned show and CNN is more left. I am not a big fan of CNN I feel like CNN does protray a left winged veiw about differnt political canadates and political issues. I know CNN is prob. one of the most stirght news corporation on televison. But I do feel that they tend to twist things towards a negative veiw of the Republican party.

michael O'keeffe said...

Being from europe it was a very big issue when CNN came around because it showed the side of the news in with a much more liberal bias. When in Europe we watched mainly the BBC1 and BBC2 and we got news from all over the world. We also got Local news which consisted of minor happenings within the country of Belgium. I think that CNN is a major 24 hour news channel that delivers the major issues that people want to know about. I think it is very difficult not to have any biased in a news show. Even if the news is scripted you can pick up on body language and voice cues that tend to show what the news reporter's opinion.