Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Fox (For Nov 14 but you can do it ANY time before that)

Watch a whole hour of the news. Is it straight news? Or did you sense a bias? Explain.


courtneybehmlander said...

grew up with my parents watching Fox News, and being very anti- CNN. I had never watched an entire hour of the news, but this morning I watched Fox. I really enjoyed the news show because they covered nation-wide and worldwide news equally. Also, the news that was presented was real news, not gossipy or sugarcoated. Because it’s Veteran’s Day, they focused heavily on Veterans from various wars. Although I did not sense a bias, I know that Fox News is slightly slanted towards the republican and more conservative side.

Kelly Walsh said...

The first thing I saw when I turned on Fox News was the headline "why was Prince Harry dumped?" I had to laugh a little because there must be more important things in the news than the personal life of Prince Harry. I now know that Prince Harry has a wile personality, and 'playboy' lifestyle. The screen was filled with pictures of Harry, his former girlfriend, and broken hearts. It also talked about how there will be a 4 percent increase in air travel this year during Thanksgiving travel, which I find unimportant. Kanye West's mother died after undergoing plastic surgery was the final story, which was followed up with an interview with another plastic surgeon. I expected Fox News to pick up better stories, but after 45 minutes this was all that I learned. I assumed that I would enjoy Fox News over CNN, but was not after watching this episode. I don't want to jump to drastic conclusions after watching just one episode, but I was not impressed with this gossipy news.

meg143 said...

I had never watched a full episode of fox news before, I usually just skip around news channels to find the weather or listen to an interesting story that catches my attention. My first thoughts before watching the episode were that the O’Reilly Factor and Hannity and Colmes were programs featured on fox news. So I assumed there would be a more conservative bias, and I found this to be somewhat true. Aside from both of the shows which I dislike equally because I feel they are rude, very one sided, and don’t present news topics clearly. On the episode that I watched I’ll agree with Kelly that there were some trashy and unnecessary topics on the show. However they also went over why the war in Iraq was getting less media coverage and touched on topics involving illegal immigrants. Overall I would say that Fox News covers some very important topics, but I didn’t enjoy the way it was presented. While I don’t find it completely straight news I think it is much closer than some of the other shows we have gone over.

annieganotis said...

After watching an hour of Fox News I was definitely was able to sense a bias. I watched Fox & Friends, which is on every morning. The bias was very clear to me because of a documentary I watched in English class last year. This documentary, by Robert Greenwald, is called Outfoxed. “"Outfoxed" examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know.” (outfoxed.org) The film interviews people that formally worked for Fox News and now attest to the fact that Fox forced them to push a right wing bias. The film shared a lot of the techniques Fox uses to construct a right wing news channel and controls what information it releases to the public. Although this documentary focuses on how Fox News does this I think it can be argued that every news station does give of a bias in some way.

Unknown said...

I just watched Fox News and I feel like the hosts have more conflicting ideas rather than a sarcastic personality like CNN News. They all speak their mind at the same time and the viewer has to keep track in who says what on the show.
I like the hosts more than CNN because they are more honest and frank when they are presenting the news. They are not trying to persuade the viewers but rather tell the news and their points of view.
However, I dislike Hannity and Colmes because he asks and says unappropiate things. The people he interviews get fed up with what he says in about 2 minutes of the interview.
The hosts can come out as being worse than CNN if they dont agree with them because of the fact that they speak their mind. One has to have an open-mind to hear various opinions when watching Fox.

Maria A.

Brianna Seo said...
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Brianna Seo said...

I watched “The O’Reilly Factor,” a news show on Fox, and I really disliked it. The show was full of biased opinions that I did not agree with. The content of the episode consisted primarily of Bill O'Reilly criticizing Meryl Streep, an actress, because she was indecisive about her feelings towards the war in Iraq.In addition, O’Reilly only highlights American victims from the war in Iraq, which can give someone the wrong impression of the Iraq war. I think this issue is very serious and should not be discussed in so lightly a manner. This war has been such an ordeal for both Iraq and the United States; I could not believe such a low quality of dialogue on this "news program." As a foreigner, I was offended by the way he talked about the war in Iraq. I am not saying that I did not like the show just because O'Reilly was opinionated, I think that having an opinion is not a bad thing. Alot can be learned from seeing things through someone else's perspective. However, I think arguments in the news without any valuable messages or content only causes conflict among people. Such is the case with "The O'Reilly Factor."

Mike Landry said...

I haven never honestly seen a full episode of fox news before, and my parents have always watched CNN. When i did watch fox news i got a compeltely differnt feeling. It seems to me that the hosts of fox news have similar opinions to hanity and comls, and really made me realize that all of fox news cast coaline their opinons. Even though it is said CNN does the same thing it feels to me like there are more points of veiws and differnts sides of storys shown on CNN while Fox News does not give more than one side of the story. FOx news seemed it was just as concerned with gossip as it was with important news sotries, and if that is what a persons wants fro ma news show, they will like Fox over CNN

peter harvey said...

to be completely honest the only time i watch fox news is after a football game on a sunday night. the programing on these shows seem to be all local news and very rairly they include a national headline and almost never a world headline. the shows are also strongly conservitive.

mollyandrews said...

On FOX I watched an episode of Hannity and Colmes in which they were fighting about if is a good or bad thing that presidents have a temper. They talked about Rudy and Hilary having tempers and how it could affect the presidency. They went back to old videos of Rudy speaking in NYC at certain event yelling with passion about certain issues. Hannity and his guest were against presidents having a temper and Colmes and his guest were defending the presidents. I liked how they brought up old issues of Rudy and it showed whether his temper was a good or bad thing (Comes saying that the anger was passion in what he was doing and Hannity saying it was not a good thing). Also, I liked how they each had such a big opinion to bring to the table. The bad part about how they got the message across was the fact that they kept talking over each other and arguing over the matter while was really annoying and gave me a headache. Why do the have to be so intense about their arguments that they have to cut each other off speaking? They talked about how former staff member of Hillary question her temper and one woman called her a “scary women.” Colmes and his guest defended politicians in general saying that everyone has their scary moments and just because she got her moments exposed do not make her different because she is only human. Other stories included a women in jail for teaching too much sex, and racial violence in a fight displayed on YouTube. These shows all have information but the thing is it can be thrown at you with a bias opinion. All in all I think that Fox has more biased shows than CNN. As a news critic website puts it in “a simple question: "In a time of crisis, which television channel would you turn to first?" Regardless of the normal preferences and opinions, most people will reach for CNN. You may like Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly, but when a space shuttle explodes or an airplane crashes, you will go for CNN. (http://zonaeuropa.com/20050527_2.htm)

Anonymous said...

I just watched part of the morning show on FOX and I think maybe 3/5 of it was commercials, and horrible ones at that. Some political ones and some really dumb one about yellowpages.com. ok, ANYWAY back to the point. There was a little bit of a conservative bias to it, though it was not very extreme or anything. I definitel yprefered CNN though because these hosts were just not doing it for me; they were almost trying too hard to be hosts it felt like...There were times when I'm just like "ok, what's going on?" because they get lost in this tangent of trying to be funny and it just wasn't working for me.

Otherwise, they gave pretty straight forward stuff, it was a morning show so the news was interviews that were well, morning show like (with the hosts having more of a conversation within the interview with the guests). Which is always i think easier to listen to than just a flatout interview so that got a star of approval. But otherwise the news they presented was pretty similar to CNN.

Matthew Gilbert said...

Fair and Blanced news! I used to be a veiwer of Fox news untill I watched the movie the corporation and how fox changed the news story about how cows milk were infected by some cemical that was put in the cow to make it produce more milk. The reason they changed the story was becuse the corporation that produces the chemical was one of their sponsers. I do still watch Fox and Friends. I feel like Fox and Friends gives stright news and still has a lighter side. I watch fox and friends for most of my news and then use the internet for the rest.

Catherine Toscano said...

After watching an hour of CNN and then Fox News, I found both news broadcasts to be quite different. I mean both CNN and Fox News covered many of the same stories, but it was major issues that they both covered. Like the war in Iraq, what is happening with the illegal immigrants, or the Election. When it came to less important topics, this is where these news broadcasts differed. I felt like Fox News was gossip orientated and touching on topics regarding pop culture. When I was watching Fox News, they even brought up Britney Spears and spoke about her problems and how she is panty-free partying. To me, I don't consider Britney Spears news. Fox also told stories about how a Dad raped his two teenage daughters and used electric dog collars on them. Then Fox carried on to say that a woman gave birth to a baby with two heads. I'm not saying that these news stories are unimportant, but I feel like they are trying to shock people and grab their attention at the same time.

michael O'keeffe said...

I have to agree with cathrine that fox news is much more gossip oriented. It seems as though CNN has a serious issue with keeping up a reputation. Rightly so CNN has been one of the leading news channels on the planet. I mean when you go to third world countries that have TV the only major news channel that you have is CNN. Fox news is a national news channel, and although they may give news on topics such as on the war in Iraq they present it in a war that the American people can relate to. CNN is an international news channel, they have no choice but to present the facts, and since there is so much going on in the world they always have something to talk about and report on. Fox may not always have news to fill the time so they use some gossip such as britney spears or two headed babies to fill their time.