Monday, November 12, 2007


Last one: watch a show that's comparable to the "straight" scoop from CNN and Fox. How does it compare? Biased? Or no?


Kelly Walsh said...

I just watched MSNBC, and it was just what I expected. I did not sense any bias, and considered it to be pretty straight news. It talked about an eighteen-wheeler crash and explosion, and airline security. However, after hearing about these important issues, it jumped to Britney Spears' custody battle. She was found doing an illegal u-turn while texting on her phone. Not only is she all over the tabloids, but she is even in the real news now. Despite this one story on Britney Spears' I felt that the news contained good stories on important issues. Content wise, I feel that MSNBC was the best news channel.

Brianna Seo said...

I watched “Nightly News” on MSNBC and I liked it most compared to both CNN and Fox News. First, the content of the show was informative and unique; in addition, it covered various fields of news including international news, environmental, and political, among others. For example, the show addressed the issue of global warming, it warned parents about dangers associated with not vaccinating their children, and described how the cyclone destroyed Bangladesh. Also, it discussed the situation between Pakistan and America, which is a very important global concern since Pakistan has nuclear weapons, thus posing a threat to the world. Secondly, “Nightly News” was not biased; one could call it “hard news”. The host, Brian William’s manner of speaking is even and nondiscriminatory. In other words, he does not force viewers to agree with him, unlike O’Reilly does. Despite the lecture form in which “Nightly News” is conveyed, I did not at all consider the show boring since they interviewed knowledgeable people who gave expert opinions on the issues. Therefore, I would definitely prefer to watch the “Nightly News” on MSNBC because it has worthwhile content and an intelligent, unprejudiced host.

courtneybehmlander said...

I also watched the Nightly News on MSNBC. I felt that the news was mostly straight news, covering topics like nation-wide and global issues and informing Americans. MSNBC also covered a Hollywood celebrity section, but it was minor compared to the previous news channels we have watched. I knew that MSNBC had a more liberal bias, and I tried to pick it up over the program. I really didn't notice the bias so that didn't affect me.

annieganotis said...

I watched an hour of MSNBC and I thought it was the least bias of the news channels that we have had to watch. I think that MSNBC has much more straight news but it makes this channel a lot more boring. On channels like Fox and CNN there is a lot of news that is bias but I think it makes them more entertaining. Shows like O’Reilly and Nancy Grace are interesting due to the strong opinions that are dished out. I read that MSNBC has tried to emulate Fox by having more opinionated hosts since they have trailed Fox News and CNN. Most people I know don’t watch MSNBC and are more likely to turn to another news channel if there is a big story or just to get their daily news. I also read that, “Media Matters for America, a liberal group, has stated that MSNBC carries a conservative bias; meanwhile a conservative media watchdog group, Media Research Center, has argued that MSNBC has a liberal slant.” (WIkipedia) I think it probably depends on the show you are watching and the host. It is hard to have news with no bias so I can see how you could have an arguable point that it is either liberal or conservative.

Unknown said...

I just watched 'Hardball with Chris Matthews' for the first time. I thought that MSNBC had much better shows than Fox, News, and Comedy Central.
Matthews is a great host he is very frank and goes straight to the point. He keeps his guests on their toes by asking appropiate quesstions.
Compared to Nancy Grace, Chris Matthews actually asks questions that are relevant to the subject that he is talking about. He doesnt get furious and is stable throughout the entire show. He doesnt make his guests mad or forces them to answer questions that they dont want to talk about like Nancy Grace does. Overall, I think that he is an amazing host and should continue with what/how he is doing.
In my opinion, I believe that MSNBC has more straight news and are more appropriate to the public. There isn't any bias to anything. The information is very informative and interesting. It actually talks more about "real" topics rather than just "celebrity" news.
In conclusion, I would much rather watch MSNBC news than Fox, CNN, and Comedy Central because they give out "real" news vs. "fake" news.

Maria A.

Unknown said...

I completely agree with Brianna's point in that I would much rather watch MSNBC news because "it has worthwhile content and an intelligent, unprejudiced host".
Even though, she is talking about the "Nightly News" host, this can also pertain to Chris Matthews from "Hardball with Chris Matthews" show.
I love him, I felt that he had some interesting questions for his guests and always acts respectable, yet frank towards them. He is perfectly balanced for this job.

Maria A.

Anonymous said...

Wow, after talking about CNN and FOXNews I completely forgot about MSNBC. I'd hve to agree with most everyone that it is probably the least biased news show out there. The facts are given straight forward and not given in a way that makes you decide whether or not the show is worth watching to begin with. There's really not much else to say, everyone really covered everything.

Matthew Gilbert said...


I watched Nightly News on MSNBC. I was presently surprised on how the news was straighter news and still had some entertainment value. I noticed that the wording that was used in certain stories had some biased. I watched a story on veterans after the Nightly News. In this story it talked about how this is going to be the most deadly war that America has ever seen. And used words like tragedy and mistake several times throughout the story I know after watching each network of the news, Fox, CNN, BBC, MSNBC, there is no such thing as objective news. Everything is subjective and the words that are chosen in the story carry a lot of weight. I know using the War in Iraq as an example is over used a lot in our class. Anyway the war in Iraq by using different words can be looked at in a new light. For example I saw the MSNBC program on the veterans and they used words like tragedy. I know being a fan of fox news words like success and conflict are flipped around like the pancakes. CNN is the worst of the networks; they have people on their network that will call Bush an idiot. I know in many cases this might be true. I wonder if they would call a traffic cop an idiot if he pulled them over, who has more power that traffic cop or President Bush. There are many reasons that the news is subjective. It even comes down to the stories they show and when they show it. For example on the Nightly News they were showing what I consider as straighter news and as soon as they think their about to lose your attention they through in some Britney Spears crap about her custody battle.

PK said...

I watched MSNBC and I found it to be the best news I have watched thus far. It is better than CNN and Fox, as it appears to be unbiased and gives "hard news". The host was unbiased in presenting information and issues and lacked personal emotion towards the topics. This lecture informative approach was good for issues I am interested in such as global warming and airline security, but I lost focus when it came to issues I am not as interested in such as global dangers like American/Pakistan relations. Even though I was not too interested in global country affairs, I think it is important for news to cover them because there are a lot of people who want to be knowledgeable of what is going on throughout the world. The Nightly News on MSNBC is definitely the best and most reliable source of news in my opinion, but I think it is directed towards a much more mature and intellectual audience base than other news shows.

meg143 said...

I agree with the majority of the blogs that MSNBC was straight news. I feel that the content was unbiased and that hosts were able to present the information without adding their own personal opinions or emotions on the issues. I also watched the “nightly news” and a number of important and interesting issues were covered. The horrible affects on Bangladesh after the viscous cyclone were covered, showing the devastating aftermath and rising death toll. They also touched upon the extreme housing bust in Orlando, Florida, with real estate down 45% and foreclosures increasing, and they’re calling it the ripple effect that could start to effect more than just homeowners. There was not much unnecessary celebrity gossip but they did talk about Queen Elizabeth celebrating her 60th wedding anniversary, which was interesting. The presidential election was also touched upon and I was very surprised to not sense any bias, the news was delivered straight and I found it interesting. Overall I would probably consider MSNBC the best news show for straight news.

Catherine Toscano said...

To be honest, I find most of these news stations to be the same. MSNBC was definitely the best when compared to CNN and Fox News, mainly because they stuck to more news directed stories. MSNBC also covered a wider variety of topics than the other news stations. They spoke about issues relating to technology and science, health, travel, business, sports, politics, and more. It's when the news broadcasts start talking about gossipy topics that I tend to categorize them as being the same. I found that MSNBC was not as bad as the others, but they definitely touched on stories that were not newsworthy. For example, in the broadcast that I watched they were talking about how Matt Damon is considered 2007's sexiest man alive. Although MSNBC did talk about Britney Spears, Matt Damon, and Celine Dion, it was only for a short amount of time. And when they spoke about how much to tip over the holidays, tricks to losing weight, and how to buy an affordable gift, at least those topics were somewhat interesting and useful. Overall, I would say that MSNBC was the best news channel and it did not have a strong bias.

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